Master The Power of Personal Choice
You can justify your situation by stating, "I have no choice" "I can't do anything to change my circumstances," "I can't do anything," etc. That is a mistaken belief. You can "choose" to allow the outside world to affect how you see your situation; nevertheless, there is never a situation where you have no power and a choice.
Each choice comes with a consequence and an energetic price that must be paid. So, it is not like that you do not have a choice, you are just choosing which energetic price that you choose to pay with.
If you are currently in a working situation where you are unhappy, you can make a number of choicess.
You can choose to stay because you are afraid of change, of the economy, or whether or not you can find another means of income. The price you pay for this choice is a continuous feeling of boredom, anger, hopelessness, lethargy, and depression. Eventually, this feeling will affect other parts of your life.
You can choose to stay, but you can change the energy of how you see your situation. The simple act of using the empowering form of thought can create a dramatic change in how you see your situation. "I'm going to stay in this job because it gives me income at this time. I'm going to keep my eyes open for new opportunities and know that this is a temporary situation and I can choose again at any time."
You can choose to leave your job with the understanding that you are a creative being and that you can manifest a new source of income. From an external point of view, this seems to be the most "expensive" choice in terms of energy. Yet, it's not on another level. What is needed is a deep faith.
In fact, the first of these three examples is the most "expensive" for continuing to live under such circumstances will rob you of your life 's strength. The gentlest of the three is the second option, and the most daring and magical is the last.
The same wisdom is applies with he relationships as well. (both platonic and romantic)
You can choose to stay in an unhappy, stagnating or abusive relationship. You can keep complaining about how miserable you are and how you can't leave the relationship for a variety of reasons. You can justify and make excuses for your circumstances and yet all the while you're still continuing live in anxiety and pain. You can choose to continuously dream about what else might be out there for you, but never give yourself a chance to explore the possibilities. The price for this choice is an un-calculatable amount.
You can choose to stay in the relationship with the assertion that "I love this person and I choose to communicate my feelings with them in order to help bring about the needed changes. I will focus on the positive qualities and begin to let them be the guiding force. After a period of time, if I am still unhappy and see that the situation is not going to change, then I can choose again." By doing this, you empower yourself by knowing that you're staying because it's your choice-not because you don't have any other options.
You can choose to leave the relationship and understand that this choice can lead to a short time of pain and loneliness. You may feel sadness and loss, but with that comes an undeniable sense of freedom. The level of anxiety, negative thoughts, and feelings will decrease, making way for a higher vibration of life that affirms energy. Your assertion would be, "I choose to leave this relationship / friendship because it doesn't contribute to my joy and ultimate happiness. I know it may be painful for a while, yet, I also know there are billions of people on the planet and lots of opportunities to meet new friends and lovers."
The same principle applies to what you see as "missing" in your life. You want to create a business, a prosperity, a new job or a relationship, but you can see that nothing is manifesting in your life. You can choose how to see your situation. You can make conscious choices about how to get to the place you want to be. Statements like "I'm never going to work for myself, I don't have the means to create my own business." "I'm never going to find a good job," "I'm never going to meet my soulmate," "I'm always going to be poor," "I'm never going to get what I want" will reinforce the CHOICE to create more of the same.
Choose creative and life-asserting statements and thought forms, and watch how your life is transformed.
I 'm choosing to take steps to immerse myself in the knowledge and learning that I can start my own business. So I choose to put all my energy into creating what I want.
I 'm choosing to know that there is a wonderful abundance of potential life partners and friends in the world for me. So I choose to attract people with whom I enjoy being.
I 'm choosing to embrace HEALTH and VITALITY.
I 'm choosing to feel good.
I 'm choosing to allow prosperity to flow into my life.
I 'm choosing to allow my spiritual insight and faith to be my guiding strength.
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