Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash
Do you need to be inspired to aspire or do you need an aspiration to get inspired?
The question remains a mystery, no matter how this topic is tackled.
Do you need to be inspired to aspire or do you need an aspiration to get inspired?
The same applies to the second question. Others may argue that in order to have a strong desire to achieve something, you need to be inspired. On the other hand , some argue that if you want to be inspired, you may need to aspire first.
It's like the chicken and the egg question, isn't it? There is no definite answer to that. As far as inspiration vs. aspiration is concerned, the best course of action is to discover how to inspire people, rather than to focus on the correct answer. For some people, inspiration helps them to remain motivated and to become a successor.
So, how are people inspired?
A sense of frustration forces some to seek inspiration. Some people need to experience unpleasant circumstances to inspire. This path might not be pleasant at all. But who says that the path to greater achievement is always a smooth sailing?
Take the case of an average earner for example. He's just earning enough to make a family survive. On his way to work, he could see other people having barely three square meals a day, having hardly anything to keep them warm on a cold night, living virtually on a roofless shanty with paper boards as walls. He wanted to help but he could not.
He feels helpless because he can't do anything to ease their condition. This feeling of helplessness urged him to promise himself that his family would never experience extreme poverty. This feeling of frustration inspired him to aspire to a better life for himself and for his family. His fear of his family ending up as one of the economically challenged people makes him determined to do something to improve his financial stability.
A successful person can be an effective source of inspiration. People tend to look up to someone who has reached the top. They wonder how their idol is to be, so they set out on a course in the direction of their idol. They study the past of their idols and how they were able to overcome all adversities.
People who wish to be inspired are associated with successful people. Successful people have great ambitions. Being ambitious and dreaming big dreams can keep your inspiration alive. Being ambitious is actually good as long as you don't step on the toes of other people and inspire fellow men.
A strong desire can lead people to get inspired and to aspire to it. Again, remain within the confines of good fellowship, and do not hurt anyone along the way. Some people want popularity. They aspire to be well known throughout society. They set their sights higher and aim at being recognized and respected.
Love is a powerful motivator. Once upon a time there was a man persecuting his interest in love. He managed to get married to his dream girl. His love for his wife inspired him to do his best in his job to provide for his growing family. Love provided the spark and nurtured his dreams of aspiring for the best that life has to offer himself and his family.
Many sources of inspiration can help you make your life a success. Arguing over what comes first, whether it is inspiration or aspiration, it is not one of them. What is important is to find your true source of inspiration and stay focused on achieving your goals.
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