Transform Anger to Peace of Mind
Anger is a serious problem for one out of every five Americans. Road rage, violence in the workplace, domestic abuse and even addiction are just a few of its many expressions. The reason that such a large umber of our nation's citizens is on antidepressants, overweight, and involved in all kinds of difficult relationships can be directly traced back to the effects of anger, particularly the hidden ones.
Anger has a lot of faces. It appears in various forms and camouflages, with serious consequences. Today, anger is a problem for one in every five Americans, and it's growing. This article shows what anger is, when it appears, and how it affects every aspect of your life. The article, based on The Anger Diet, by Dr. Brenda Shoshanna, also shows some of the 24 forms of anger and gives specific steps to dissolve them. You 're going to be surprised how simple it can be.
Today, we are afraid of all kinds of external enemies. It is not so easy to realize, however, that the worst enemy we face is the anger within us, the terror it causes, and the way in which this poison affects so much of our lives. It is one thing to tell one another to forgive. Knowing how to do this is yet another. Even though we may want to forgive, anger can be merciless in the course it takes, attacking and disrupting our body , mind, and spirits. However, many particular steps can be taken to root out this toxin from our lives.
As we do the results will be reflected not just in our mental and emotional well-being, but also in our physical and environmental health. When anger is rooted out, love and forgiveness arise naturally, and our lives and relationships become what they are meant to be.
Some of The 24 Forms of Anger
The first step to get anger rooted out of our lives is to become aware of it. It is essential that we recognize anger for what it is, be aware it appears and notice the devastation it creates. It holds us in its grip when anger is allowed to remain camouflaged and easily erodes the quality of our whole lives. By recognizing the 24 forms of anger we can shine a flashlight on the poison inside. Then, one day, we can choose to eliminate each of those forms of anger. There's a lot of great antidotes that we can take. We simply replace it with a life-giving, constructive, healing response, rather than allowing anger to take hold.
In this article we 're also going to explore some ways to eliminate these forms of anger.
- Straightforward Anger – Attack. This anger is clear and easy to understand To acknowledge. The anger is coming straight out. Many later regret it, feeling they would not be able to control themselves. Such anger has a life of its own; it rises like a storm of flash and can easily turn into verbal, emotional , or physical abuse.
- Hypocrisy – You 're angry, but you're hiding it under a smile and making a false present Persona, pretending you 're not one. That behavior is evolving into all kinds of bad faith. Even though you think you fool others, in truth you lose yourself and your self-respect.
- Depression – Depression is so widespread these days, ranging from mild to severe. Depression is anger and rage turned against oneself It comes from not being able to properly identify or express the anger one feels. It then turns simply into depressions, attacking the person who is experiencing it.
- Passive Aggression is a form of anger expressed not by what we are doing but by what we are not doing. We refuse to give what they demand, want or need to the other person. We anger the other in this way, while making it appear as if they are the one that is overly demanding. This is a way to express anger without taking responsibility for it, and to blame the other for what we set in motion.
Steps to Dissolve Anger
Needless to say, there are several practical steps that can be taken to reverse different types of rage. We'll have some samples to offer. The key thing to remember is that, in a moment, anger can be extinguished. We may choose to look at things differently. We may choose to respond differently.
It only takes a moment to escalate a situation and the trouble can be de-escalated in that same moment. We have to stop in the middle of the automatic anger that arises and take responsibility for what's going on. We can and must agree not to let anger take over and rule. We have the right and the responsibility of choosing how to respond.
Sample Ways To De-Escalate Anger
- Straightforward Attack: Stop in the middle of a situation where you either feel angry or are being attacked. Expand the views. Instead of responding in a knee-jerk manner, say to yourself, "Like me, this person has suffered. Like me, this person wants to be happy, like me, this person experiences loneliness and loss. "As you do this, you recognize the similarities and the common humanity that you share, rather than focus on differences. Allow the person to be right for a moment. You've got a lot of time to be right later. Ask yourself, what's more important to you, to be "right" or to be free from anger? Choose your compassion and see how you feel. See how well the other feels. Watch your life open up new views.
- Hypocrisy: A common form of anger that appears in many ways. Stop when you feel you are pretending, lying, exaggerating or deceiving yourself. Speak the truth right now. Just be the truth. If you don't know what the truth is, be silent and be conscious of what the most profound truth is. (This does not mean pouring out negativity or blaming others. It does mean taking responsibility for what is real and true for you. (This will not only restore good will, it will connect you with what is most meaningful in your life.)
- Depression: Make yourself friends today. When we are depressed, we reject ourselves, we hate and we blame ourselves. Undo that false mindset. Find five things that you admire, and you respect who you are. Concentrate on sharing your good qualities with others. We only get absorbed with ourselves in depression. A wonderful antidote is getting absorbed by how you can reach out and help others.
As we root anger out of our lives, and find meaningful substitutions, it will lift and enhance not only our lives but the lives of our loved ones , friends and acquaintances. Try the diet of full anger, and see.
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