I believe that every moment of life holds a key to your true nature inside it, somewhere. So when you read this article, do it as if it could be your key and let's see what doors it's opening up within you.
All of nature, existence, reality or anything you would like to call it, is already perfect. There is nothing you need to find outside of you to complete yourself. You're already complete. There's nothing you need to do. There's nothing you need to get, do or become. Everything you need to "be you" is already inside of you. You are perfect, just like all other creations.
A rock is just a rock. It's not trying to be anything but itself. It doesn't look for its identity elsewhere. It's just, and it's just perfect. A tree doesn't try to be something it isn't. And it spends its time just being a tree. Without struggle, it's exactly what it is to be called perfect. I have a dog named Murphy. So Murphy lives an amazingly free life, because he simply is who he is. He spends his time just being Murphy. And he doing it perfectly.
There is not a single example in nature, living or non-living, that is not perfect already. That includes YOU! Right now you're perfect- exactly how you're supposed to be.
If you were meant to be something or someone else, then you 'd be like that.
If there was something else you were meant to have, then you would have it.
If you were meant to achieve something, then you 'd have achieved it.
You are perfect already, just like you are.
Maybe because you falsely believe that you ought to be something different? Something other than what you really are. You 're refusing to accept the reality. You 're fighting what it is, and that's a fight you can never win. You believe that you should be richer. Or to have a better job. Or maybe a different kind of a relationship.
These are just your external environment. And if you're going to change them, you can certainly do it. The circumstances that you are living with now are the result of your choices so far, and you can create a new life for the future by choosing to make changes in your life and taking appropriate action. If that's what you want, you can change your finances. You may be able to change your career. You can improve your relationships. And making these changes will make your life different. But they can't make you any better. It is impossible to improve on perfection.
Okay, so! How about no more thinking of, "I should be this ..." or "I should have that." How about thinking of, "I am exactly who I am, and nobody could do a more perfect job than me."
Be happy being who you are.
Table Of Contents
You are Already Perfect
There's a simple fact of nature that I'd like you to consider - You ARE ALREADY PERFECT!All of nature, existence, reality or anything you would like to call it, is already perfect. There is nothing you need to find outside of you to complete yourself. You're already complete. There's nothing you need to do. There's nothing you need to get, do or become. Everything you need to "be you" is already inside of you. You are perfect, just like all other creations.
A rock is just a rock. It's not trying to be anything but itself. It doesn't look for its identity elsewhere. It's just, and it's just perfect. A tree doesn't try to be something it isn't. And it spends its time just being a tree. Without struggle, it's exactly what it is to be called perfect. I have a dog named Murphy. So Murphy lives an amazingly free life, because he simply is who he is. He spends his time just being Murphy. And he doing it perfectly.
There is not a single example in nature, living or non-living, that is not perfect already. That includes YOU! Right now you're perfect- exactly how you're supposed to be.
If you were meant to be something or someone else, then you 'd be like that.
If there was something else you were meant to have, then you would have it.
If you were meant to achieve something, then you 'd have achieved it.
You are perfect already, just like you are.
Are You Feeling Perfect?
So why not feel perfect? Why wouldn't you be happy? Why are you looking for something else outside of yourself that will complete you?Maybe because you falsely believe that you ought to be something different? Something other than what you really are. You 're refusing to accept the reality. You 're fighting what it is, and that's a fight you can never win. You believe that you should be richer. Or to have a better job. Or maybe a different kind of a relationship.
These are just your external environment. And if you're going to change them, you can certainly do it. The circumstances that you are living with now are the result of your choices so far, and you can create a new life for the future by choosing to make changes in your life and taking appropriate action. If that's what you want, you can change your finances. You may be able to change your career. You can improve your relationships. And making these changes will make your life different. But they can't make you any better. It is impossible to improve on perfection.
Increase Your Awareness Of The Truth
Personal development and growth will not improve you. It simply increases your awareness of the truth that you are already perfect. Until you recognize this fact, you will continue to suffer. Happiness can not be found outside of you. Happiness comes from within, when you give up the illusion, and love yourself unconditionally.Okay, so! How about no more thinking of, "I should be this ..." or "I should have that." How about thinking of, "I am exactly who I am, and nobody could do a more perfect job than me."
Be happy being who you are.
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