Picture this ... every day you wake up to your alarm clock, begrudgingly rolling out your bed, taking a cup of coffee, showering, dressing, making the long drive to work, doing your job, coming home, going to bed, and doing it all again the next day.
Waking up, excited to great and embrace the day and what might be in store for you. Feeling a spring in your step and a strong sense deep inside that whatever the day brings, you 're going to have fun ... because you know you 're doing what you love, what you're best at, and what you're meant to do.
Table Of Contents
Purpose and Passion
What does it mean to live your life with passion and purpose? What if you don't know what your passion or purpose is? These are important questions, and I'm here to tell you that we all have a purpose, and we all have passions. Whether it's clearly defined, whether we realize it or not, we do.Some people are born and know what fires them up, what motivates them, what their purpose is. Others are less sure and are looking for that passion and purpose and exploring a lot. However, you will realize your own passion and purpose, it's OK ... there's no right or wrong way. Personally, it wasn't until the last few years that I truly came to understand what my goal was. (I must admit that sometimes trying to find it out was very frustrating.)
One day, I was asked, "What do you think is your purpose? "And without thinking the following words came out of my mouth ..." My purpose is to created things, to help others find the resources and the beauty within and around them to excel.So I took a piece of paper and a pen quickly and wrote it down. It was then that I realized what I was most passionate about; creating new things, helping others to find the answers within them to move forward in their own lives. (That's exactly why I started to write this blog.)
3 Steps to Find Your Purpose and Passion in Life
Amazingly enough, it only took someone to ask me a question and force me to think for a moment. So now, I 'd like to ask you, "What is your purpose? "If you don't know the answer to that question, it's OK ... instead, consider the following questions;- What excites you the most?
- What around you ignites a fire?
- Have you ever done something where you lost all track of time? What were you doing?
Just remember, it's OK if the answers don't come right away ... they might come when you least expect them. In the meantime, have fun exploring in finding your purpose! :)
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